Sculpt your Lifestyle!

Choose to lose weight is to take care of itself, an essential step to improve your life and well-being but often it is difficult to choose where and how to lose this extra weight gained. In the LifeShape plan from Lifeclinic find the best way to get the weight you want.

Sculpt your lifestyle
We know that the body tissues are composed of different elements like water, minerals and fat. Although only one fifth of body weight correspond to fat when a person suffers from overweight exists primarily accumulation of body fat. This, among other diseases, can lead to the development of obesity bringing various health problems.

The fat accumulated in adipocytes (cells specialized in the storage of fat) is an energy reserve that as our needs are transformed into useful energy in the functioning of our body. The adipocytes are concentrated in areas like the hips, thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

With the arrival of warm weather increases the care of the physical aspect. The self-weight loss diets are prescribed on the agenda for the gyms and turnout increases significantly with a unique focus on esthetics.

Contrary to what people think, overweight is not merely a cosmetic problem, is foremost a health problem. Clinical monitoring of the body composition contributes to the prevention of coronary heart disease and prevents the development of other health problems such as gastrointestinal disorders and joints, respiratory problems, low self-esteem and confidence, anxiety, depression and other emotional problems.

Thus, the loss of excess weight directly contributes to a significant improvement in health, welfare and life quality.

LifeShape: Health Meets Beauty
The LifeShape, the new medical-therapeutic plan exclusive from Lifeclinic is the best solution to reduce the fat without surgery and found effective by reducing cells with excess fat, achieving rapid and lasting results that allow a lighter body and with more harmonious ways.

This plan, which is based on creating a healthy lifestyle, addresses the clinical analysis of each person and their medical recommendations, in conjunction with an individual program of nutrition, ultrasound technology converged frequency cavitational and lymphatic drainage massage therapy. While individual nutritional approach allows the creation of a proper diet to the case and, of course, decreased fat mass index. The ultrasound destroys the cells in order elective adipocytes, keeping all other organic structures preserved. This translates into strong risk reduction, ie virtually zero side effects.

All substances resulting from this rupture of the membranes of fat cells are eliminated from the body by means of excretion through a rhythmic massage technique of manual lymphatic drainage and adapted to the case. This massage therapy improves blood circulation, relieve pain from varicose veins, eliminates toxins and, consequently, edema, and nourishes tissues.

Thanks to LifeShape, improve the contours of various body surfaces and simultaneously smooth out imperfections on the skin surface, such as those caused by marked changes in weight, it's easy.

All bodies are different and there is individual variability and therefore the LifeShape requires an initial medical evaluation for the plan to be implemented is appropriate to their needs.

After each treatment LifeShape the person is able to perform any activity without changes in their daily activities.

The LifeShape has an immediate action. To obtain the prolonged effects, is recommended to maintain a balanced and diverse eating habits, not fat intake, proper hydration and the achievement of physical activity.

Do it for yourself and for the health of your body!

"In Lifeclinic we are focused on the person and not the problem. We know that who surch fore us want customized clinical quality solutions, so we are prepared to tackle this challenge," notes Paula Ferreira Sant'Anna, Administrator of Lifeclinic. "The LifeShape is a  medical-therapeutic lipodrenagem plan integrated model which makes the difference. In Lifeclinic the well-being and aesthetics are totally integrated with health" she adds.

This report was published in the Golden News Cascais Journal No. 14, June 28, 2010.


Av. Gonçalo Velho Cabral, 194 - r/c
Bº do Rosário | 2750-364 Cascais
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